Some of the programs and services presently offered to children and foster families are as follows:
- 24-hour support system by Resource Workers and/or Director
- Ongoing regular supervision by Resource Worker
- Immediate crisis intervention and/or support
- Independent Living - DSO, COTA, ODSP, Extended Care Maintenance (ECM)
- FASD Respite Services
- Regular respite - six weeks or more frequently if it is felt that additional support is
required - Regular vacation – three weeks per calendar year
- Natural family support system if deemed appropriate by all team members
- Ongoing Child and Youth Worker support and intervention as required
- Internal Drive Program
- Social events
- Appreciation dinners
- Support counselling
- Seasonal newsletter
- Annual Home Reviews – safety home checklist, fire drills
- Life Book / Sacred Bundle support
- Supervision of sibling visits along with access visits when applicable
- F.A.S.D
- First Aid
- Separation and Loss
- Infant Development
- Early Childhood Development
- Car Seat Training
- Learning disability training
- Medication Awareness
- Independent Living Transition
- Sexual Abuse Awareness
- Attachment & Separation Anxiety
- ADHD Training Seminars
- Children’s Aid Society Association
- Child Welfare League of Canada
- Safeguards
- Sparrow Lake Alliance
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Sign Language training
- Behavioural Management Strategies
- Quarterly Support Group Meetings with guest speakers
- Special interest training
- Food and Nutrition – Canada’s Food Guide and Canada’s Native Food Guide
- Cultural Diversity
- Psychiatric consultations
- Psychological assessments and follow-up therapy where needed
- Determining needs of children and coordinating the services to provide on an ongoing basis or as required
- Anger management classes
- Speech and Language
- Play / Art Therapy / Theraplay
- Pre-school program
- Ontario Early Years
- Daycare if and when it is required to promote social, language and global development
skills - Driver’s Education
- School support and interaction, i.e. support worker during transitional periods, or when
school feels necessary
- First Aid training for adolescents including natural family children within the foster home
- I.E.P. Development and Reviews
- Tutoring, if required
- Independent life skills training program for preadolescents and adolescents
- Children to attend learning disability program if deemed necessary
- Quarterly dinner and movie night with Resource Workers and Director
- Summer Day Camp program run by A Child’s Oasis staff - weekly trips
- March Break Camp program run by A Child’s Oasis staff - trip and guest speaker
- Social Skills Group
- Monthly Peer Support Group (Youth)
- Annual Christmas Event
- Summer support program within the home setting
- One-to-one outings
- Registered Recreational activities throughout the year - mandatory swimming lessons
- Social programs in the community
- Meeting the diverse needs of children
- Race, ethnic, spiritual needs
- Linguistic needs
- Food & nutrition
- Religious options
- Baptism, first communion, confirmation
- Naming ceremony, pow wows, smudging, camp, elders/healers, Monday Cultural night
events, monthly children in-care programs